Posts tagged “robots”

In 2006, the Intelligent Systems Division at Ames (with a few partners at JPL and elsewhere) convened a Small Spacecraft....

Sometime around the beginning of 2006 the Evolvable Systems Group joined forces with the Adaptive Control Group....

Starting in 2006 I spent more and more of time time diving into robot vision and image processing, mostly with....

While I was developing my first modular robotic system at NASA, I was also simultaneously developing a physics-based....
Leonardo was a joint project of the Robotic Life Group at the Media Lab and Stan Winston Studio. At the time he....

In 2003 I joined the new Robotic Life Group at the Media Lab (now called the Personal Robots Group) as a founding....

The most sopphisticated of the various motor control systems that I built while at MIT was the 16-channel Medusa....

After I finished buiding the dozen or so modules of my first modular robot system at NASA, it was time to take....

When I first arrived at NASA I joined the Evolvable Systems Group, which focused on using genetic algorithms and....

Over the years at MIT I designed a number of robot control systems for robots of all sizes. At the low end....

In 2000 and 2001 I was part of MIT teams that were invited to compete in the Eurobot robotics competitions in France....

In 2001, after victories with the ORCA 1 and ORCA 2, most of the core of the MIT Autonomous Underwater Vehicles....

In the summer of 1999, basking in the success of the ORCA 1 submarine the previous year, MIT Project ORCA entered....

This is the ORCA 1, which was my first forray into serious robotics. Project ORCA was the codename for the MIT....